Nearest big city: Малоярославец
Stalls: 70
Fields: 2
Price ($): 20000
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Москва
Stalls: 40
Fields: 2
Price ($): 13500
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: D?sseldorf
Stalls: 100
Fields: 100
Forest access: Not specidied
Nearest big city: Щёлково
Stalls: 8
Fields: 4
Price ($): 14000
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Санкт Петербург
Stalls: 40
Fields: 10
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Лобня
Stalls: 6
Fields: 2
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Запорожье
Stalls: 100
Fields: 2
Forest access: Not specidied
Nearest big city: Москва
Stalls: 80
Fields: 5
Price ($): 13000
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Воскресенск
Stalls: 34
Fields: 2
Price ($): 11000
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Зеленоград-Солнечногорск
Stalls: 16
Fields: 2
Price ($): 13000
Forest access: Not specidied