Nearest big city: GALWAY
Stalls: 25
Fields: 10
Forest access: Not specidied
Nearest big city: Zvenigorod
Stalls: 10
Fields: 1
Forest access: No forest
Nearest big city: Москва
Stalls: 8
Fields: 1
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Voronezh
Stalls: 50
Fields: 1
Price ($): 8000
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Город Дубна, Московской область
Stalls: 10
Fields: 20
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Малоярославец
Stalls: 65
Fields: 2
Price ($): 20000
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Tallinn
Stalls: 1
Fields: 7
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Kursk
Stalls: 15
Fields: 2
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Калининград
Stalls: 30
Fields: 1
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: London
Stalls: 56
Fields: 34
Price ($): 300
Forest access: Not specidied