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◄ Hästar
Cartoon Hedegaard
Datum för registrering:18.08.2018
ändra datum:18.08.2018
Sale status:Till salu
Häst namn:Cartoon Hedegaard
Huvudsaklig inriktning:Driving
2. Platsinformation
Närmaste storstad:oslo
Nordbygdavegen 498, 3825 Lunde
3. Ras informationen
Tillväxt (cm):165
4. Information om erfarenheter
Valfria inriktningar:
  • Avel
  • Temperament:5-Normal

  • 5. Stamtavla uppgifter

  • Hemland:Denmark
    6. Kontaktuppgifter
    Kontakt email:stallx@live.no
    Kontakt telefon:+4791346602
    Kontaktperson:Øivind Mikkelsen
    7. Ytterligare upplysningar
    Ytterligare upplysningar:
    Cartoon is a wonderful horse in every way. Nice and easy to handle both at home and on competitions. Always gives a nice drive or ride, in the woods, on roads with traffic or in the training area.
    He has competed international the last four years with better result every year. This year he was 2. overall at the CAI2* in Keispelt and got a 46,41 and 1. In the dressage at CAI2* Bjerke where he didn’t start the marathon because he was also starting in showdrivingclass at Falsterbo Horseshow the week after.
    At the last single driving world championship he won in the cones and he will be on the Norwegian team in Kronenberg this year also.
    Cartoon is an approved breeding stallion both in Norway and Germany. He has got 4 offsprings in Norway, a to year old mare, two stallions born this summer and one stallion registerd as a welsh partbreed. In norway there is only 3 schweres Warmblut mares so breeding here is very limited.
    8. Tillgång till kortet
    Meddelande läge:Tillåt att skicka meddelanden till detta kort
    Säkerhet läget:Alla kan läsa kortet och kommentarer