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◄ Hästar
A Challe Rae SOLD
Bilder(3) ▼Filmer(7) ▼
Datum för registrering:06.11.2017
ändra datum:29.01.2019
Sale status:Såld
Häst namn:A Challe Rae SOLD
Prisklass:Mer än 150000E
Huvudsaklig inriktning:Showjumping
2. Platsinformation
Närmaste storstad:Riga
3. Ras informationen
Tillväxt (cm):170
4. Information om erfarenheter
Valfria inriktningar:
  • Hoppning
  • Dressyr
  • F?ltt?vlan
  • Avel
  • Temperament:3-Lugna

  • 5. Stamtavla uppgifter

  • Hemland:Latvia
    Fader:Avellynus (OLD)
    Mor:Charlotte (LS)
    Avellynus (OLD) Argentinus (HN) Argentan (HN) 
     Dorle (HN) 
     Furosy (OLD) Furioso II (SF) 
     Griseldis (OLD) 
     Charlotte (LS) Calvados 87 (WE) Cantus (HL) 
     Pia (WE) 
     Raika (WE) Ribot (WE) 
     Perdita (WE) 
    6. Kontaktuppgifter
    Kontakt email:nuksa.nora@gmail.com
    Kontakt telefon:+37129835172
    Internet sida:https://www.gksport.lv
    7. Ytterligare upplysningar
    Ytterligare upplysningar:
    History: The breeder is also the owner of the stallion. Until May 2017 was ridden and trained by owner, then was given to Young rider for preparing a horse for dressage competitions according to horses age and showjumping.
    Character: Lowly, hasn’t got high standards, has got a sparkle in eyes but isn’t getting out of control, isn’t getting stressed in new places, it is easy to teach him new things, isn’t getting stressed, fast adapts in new places.
    Training: Prepared for dressage test for 5 years old horses. Now participating in level A up to 66%, in 5.y.o. horse test up to 69%, has got competition experience in dressage and showjumping. At home jumps up to 110cm but at competition up to 100cm.
    Rider: Will be suitable for everyone! As the athletes will have an interest in working with this horse as the juniors and young riders and hobby riders. Has got super comfy trot and canter. Easy in jumping, doesn't stop!
    Examination: I class X-rays, vet check with flexions can be done upon prior request.

    Could be suitable for Hunters!
    8. Tillgång till kortet
    Meddelande läge:Tillåt att skicka meddelanden till detta kort
    Säkerhet läget:Alla kan läsa kortet och kommentarer