1. Основное
Дата регистрации:11.12.2019
Дата публикации:26.12.2020
Статус продажи:Продажа
LatviaКличка лошади:Chaleppo SOLD
Ценовой класс:10000E-20000E
Основная специализация:Showjumping
2. Информация о местонахождении
Ближайший крупный город:Riga
3. Информация о породе
Год рождения:2009
Рост в холке (см):168
4. Опыт, возможности
Другие специализации:
Просто лошадь
Участвовал в соревнованиях:
Маршрут 100 см
Маршрут 110 см
Маршрут 120 см
Маршрут 130 см
Маршрут 140 см
5. Информация по родословной
Паспорт национальной спортивной федерации
Паспорт ФЕИ
Страна рождения:Germany
Отец:Chapetto (HL)
Мать:S-La-Coma B (HL)
| Chapetto (HL) | Cento (HL) | Capitol I (HL) |
| Viola XI (HL) |
| Camita II (HL) | Ramiro Z (HL) |
| Sitanni (HL) |
| S-La-Coma B (HL) | Lasino (HL) | Landgraf I (HL) |
| Arina (HL) |
| Haselau (HL) | Capitol I (HL) |
| Parana (HL) |
6. Контактная информация
Контактный телефон:+371 29835172
Контактное лицо:Nora
7. Дополнительная информация
Дополнительная информация:
As 9YO bought from Germany as a schoolmaster for a young lady to participate in national level competitions up to 120/130cm classes.
Horse is breeded by BROECKING, IRMELIN & RÜDIGER
And last was ridden in Germany by Hans-Jörn OTTENS up to 140cm classes.
Horse has got show experience as in national junior classes as in international adult and young horse classes. Home worked by one of the leading showjumpers and owner by herself.
Chaleppo is strong and willing to get into the show ring, won't be suitable for super weak riders as isn't as a schoolhorse but schoolmaster. Rider should be ready to work and get things done with this horse. Although he is sensitive on his mouth, he accepts riders aids well and isn't the runner type or holding type horse - easily ridden horse on a daily bases as in showjumping ring.
X-rays are available on prior request. Also horse can be vetted by request with best clinical vets.
If horse brought to Russia/Belarus/Ukraine etc, please contact Irina - manager of horse sales in Latvia WHATSAPP +7(925)2226008
Scandinavia and Europe please contact Nora WHATSAPP +371 29835172
Horse transportation organised by leading European company RJT Horse Transport.
Flights organised by EquiJet - LLC , Leaders in International Equestrian flights
Ground Transportation with most reliable Russian Transport company to Asia and Baltic companies to Scandinavia.8. Доступ к карточке
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