1. Основное
Дата регистрации:03.09.2019
Дата публикации:03.09.2019
Статус продажи:Продажа
NetherlandsКличка лошади:Zarahniek
Ценовой класс:3000E-10000E
Основная специализация:Dressage
2. Информация о местонахождении
Ближайший крупный город:Arnhem
3. Информация о породе
Год рождения:2004
Рост в холке (см):174
Порода:KWPN. Dutch Warmblood
4. Опыт, возможности
Другие специализации:
5. Информация по родословной
Страна рождения:Netherlands
Отец:Jazz (pref)
Мать:Boniek STV (keur pref prest)
| Jazz (pref) | Cocktail (pref) | Purioso (keur) |
| Ulissa (keur pref prest) |
| Charmante (keur) | Ulster |
| Warmante (keur pref prest) |
| Boniek STV (keur pref prest) | Uniform (pref) | Wahtamin xx |
| Liris (keur pref prest) |
| Monic (keur pref prest) | Galopin |
| Florette |
6. Контактная информация
Контактный телефон:+31634022088
Контактное лицо:Patricia Ahlstrom
7. Дополнительная информация
Дополнительная информация:
Zarahniek comes from one of the best dressage lines in the Netherlands. Her brother Hermes (v. Variant) was member of the Austrian dressage team (rider Andrea John). Another brother Arrivederci (by United) competed in Grand Prix in the Netherlands (rider Jacobine Dijkshoorn/NL) and is now exported to the U.S. Another brother Randell STV (by Variant) is approved stallion of the AES studbook. Her sister Faniek STV (by Variant) is the mother of Niniek STV (by Jazz), one of the most successfull dressage mares of the Netherlands (intern. GP, rider/owner Joyce Laenaerts/NL), who in her turn is the mother of Iconic B, the KWPN Dressage Stallion Champion 2016.
Zarahniek's mother's sister is also the mother of the European Championship Kür Juniors 2019: Greenpoints Cupido (by Johnson, rider Daphne van Peperstraten/NL).
Due to an injury at young age Zarahniek has only competed on regional level and we have only used her as a breeding mare.
We are cutting down and will be loosing a lot of land from our neigbours, so we cannot continue our breeding activities.
We look for a serious and open dressage breeder who strives for the best, but also wants to keep a good communication line with us, so that we can enjoy Zarahniek's future, as we love her very much!
She is used to big meadows and a free life, so we look for a breeder outside our very small country, so that she can be happy in the open air and be a mummy.8. Доступ к карточке
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