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◄ Cavalos
Fotos(3) ▼
Data de registro:08.11.2019
Data de modificação:08.11.2019
Status de venda:Venda
País:United States
Nome do cavalo:Dallas
Classe de preço:3000E-10000E
Especialização principal:Western
2. Informações de localização
Cidade a mais próxima:New York City
3. Informação da raça
Ano de nascimento:2012
Cor:Não selecionado
Raça:Quarter horse
4. Informações sobre a experiência
Especializações opcionais:
  • Adestramento
  • Enduro
  • Reining
  • Western
  • Temperamento:Não especificado
    5. Informações pedigree

  • País de Nascimento:United States
    6. Informações para contato
    Contato e-mail:johntaman24@gmail.com
    Contato telefone:(805) 335-1864
    Pessoa de contato:john
    7. Informações adicionais
    Informações adicionais:
    Blues Gold Doc aka "Dallas" is a big, beautiful, quiet ranch horse. He has been ridden in many different environments, has tons of trail miles, and has been ridden around cattle. Neck reins like a pro, does all the maneuvers; sidepass, spin, circles, etc. You can swing a rope off him as well. Dallas has no quirks or bad habits. He never tries to take advantage of his rider. He's very "bombproof" and reliable. Lopes over tarps, drags logs, crosses water and bridges. He's so sweet and has a very kind personality. Loads, bathes and clips great. Stands for the farrier. Absolutely no vices. 100% Sound. He's fine in a stall or turnout. His lope is extremely smooth as is his trot. He's consistent and collected in all gaits. Dallas is super quiet and easy to ride, but isn't the kind of horse you have to constantly push to keep going either. Knows all the groundwork exercises and can lie down on cue. He rides bridleless as well. We've started colts on him and ridden him bareback. Disciplines All Around, Athletic, Beginner, Calf Roping, Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Drill Team, Experienced, Finished, Flashy, Horsemanship, Husband Safe, Kid Safe, Lesson, Mounted Patrol, Natural Horsemanship Training, Pack, Performance, Ranch, Ranch Work, Ridden Western, Roping, School , send us message via email at rodmandanis56@gmail.com for more informations .
    8. O acesso ao cartão
    Modo de mensagem:Permitem enviar mensagens a este cartão
    Modo de segurança:Todo mundo pode ler o cartão e os comentários