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◄ Cavalos
Fotos(6) ▼
Data de registro:11.07.2018
Data de modificação:11.07.2018
Status de venda:Venda
Nome do cavalo:Abbotswood
Classe de preço:10000E-20000E
Especialização principal:Esthetic
2. Informações de localização
Cidade a mais próxima:Warszawa
3. Informação da raça
Ano de nascimento:2008
Altura (cm):145
Cor:Não selecionado
Raça:Gypsy Vanner
4. Informações sobre a experiência
Especializações opcionais:
  • Adestramento
  • Volteio
  • Western
  • Reprodu??o
  • Est?tica
  • P?nei
  • Temperamento:3-Calm
    5. Informações pedigree
    País de Nascimento:Poland
    Pai:Tir Na nOg (sold to Australia, multi Champion in Australia)
    Mãe:McCartney’s Rose
    Tir Na nOg (sold to Australia, multi Champion in Australia)   
     McCartney’s Rose   
    6. Informações para contato
    Contato e-mail:kate.zieli@gmail.com
    Página Internet:https://www.kaskada.co
    7. Informações adicionais
    Informações adicionais:
    Riding under saddle and in drive. in 2017 he became Champion and Reserved Champion of the Show

    McCartney's Abbotswood 'Indie' is an amazing stallion with dreaming pedigree. He is 10 years old stallion with the sweates head you could dream of with small ears, a strong neck, short back with a long strong sloping shoulder, flat bones to die for, wide chest and rounded croup with a well settled tail. He has a magnificent feathering and classic Gypsy Cob conformation.

    Pedigree: He is coming from one of the most esteemed lines of Traditional Gypsy Cobs - carrying the blood of legendary horses such as: Tir Na nOg (aka Bartley) - DNA verified son of Rufus (aka Parno Paub), Gov'nor, J.R, The Lion King, Eddie Allock Black Horse, Old Henrys Horse, Old Coal Horse or The Lob Eared Horse.

    His grand sire - McCartney's Highland Prince - Cookie is a well-known stallion around the world. Cookie is an outstanding producer of quality, titled and premium foals. He is the sire of one of the most prolific ever winning cobs in the show ring - Abbotswood Gorgie Boy - 5 out of 5 wins at the Championships, CHAMPION at The Royal Windsor Horse Show 2010.

    ​Abbotswood 'Indie' daughter - McCartney's Daisy May starts her career in 2017 with already winning results, Daisy May won the large Nct class and went to be overall Coloured Champion, next show she became Reserve Champion at Pembrokeshire County Show.

    He is registered in CHAPS.
    8. O acesso ao cartão
    Modo de mensagem:Permitem enviar mensagens a este cartão
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