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◄ Cavalos
Data de registro:01.12.2017
Data de modificação:01.12.2017
Status de venda:Venda
País:United States
Nome do cavalo:Geofrey
Classe de preço:20000E-40000E
Especialização principal:Workhorse
2. Informações de localização
Cidade a mais próxima:8700 Tielt
3. Informação da raça
Ano de nascimento:2010
Altura (cm):180
Raça:British Appaloosa
4. Informações sobre a experiência
Especializações opcionais:
  • Salto
  • Adestramento
  • CCE
  • Enduro
  • Western
  • Corridas
  • Est?tica
  • Temperamento:6-Active
    5. Informações pedigree

  • País de Nascimento:Great Britain
    6. Informações para contato
    Contato e-mail:anna.anderson9729@gmail.com
    Contato telefone:+14342334396
    Pessoa de contato:Anna
    7. Informações adicionais
    Informações adicionais:
    Introducing Geoffrey

    Contact us today via our email ... anna.anderson9729@gmail.com

    Category: Horses
    Subcategory: All Rounders
    Additional Category: Appaloosa
    Horse's name: Geoffrey
    Age: 7 yrs
    Colour: Appaloosa
    Gender: Gelding
    Height: 15.1 hands
    Breed: Appaloosa horse

    Very cute 14.2HH 7yr old Appaloosa gelding.
    In the school Geoffrey is very much push forward and kick on, if you like a forward going responsive ride this is not the pony for you. If you are looking for a workout? Cancel your gym membership now!

    He will walk, trot and canter in the school, is balanced and gets the right leg… if you take your leg off Geoffrey will stop… he really will do as little as is asked of him you have to ride him. He is not a well schooled dressage diva, he does need work to keep improving

    Jumping… Well Geoffrey finds this exhorting.. He has not done much in this area so would certainly school on to do better. He doesn’t look at coloured fences or fillers. He will pop around a small clear round and pop little logs down the fields, but is no show jumper in the making.

    Open spaces Geoffrey is easier to get going, alone or in company he happily canters around the fields and is easy to pull up… snaffle mouthed at all times.

    Hacking, Geoffrey is a great and sensible hack, he hacks alone or in company and will go first or last. He hacks all our country lanes passed cars, other people hacking, tractors etc and is excellent on the main road into town passing busses and lorries. We also ride Geoffrey passed the primary school, with children playing, screaming and running up to the fence, he is not bothered about their toys or balls flying round.

    Geoffrey is easy to catch, he is turn out in 30 acres and comes to call, good to lead alone or with other horses. We find Geoffrey easy to brush and tack up etc but he will take advantage is allowed to for example try and follow you out of stable etc, he is cheeky…. he does not do this with us but has with a novice owner who struggled to tack him up. He has had his back checked and his teeth done and as good for both. He was bargy for the farrier when shod, but believe this was his first set of shoes. He will take time to settle in his new home as he did here, he is currently living out and will box walk if left in on his own when not settled.
    Geoffrey passed a 5 stage vetting on 25/09/2017 . As soon as he arrived back with us we tacked him up and rode him in the school no problem, he was a little cheekier to put bridle on (tried his luck, and eating hay – but soon realised this was not acceptable. He rode fine in the school in the wind and went for a short hack on his own.

    Contact us today via our email ... anna.anderson9729@gmail.com
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