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◄ Konie
Zdjęcia(3) ▼
Data rejestracji:18.06.2018
Zmienić datę:18.06.2018
Status Sprzedaż:Na sprzedaż
Kraj:Czech Republic
Imię konia:Inés
Class Cena:3000E-10000E
główna specjalizacja:Showjumping
2. Informacje o lokalizacji
Najbliższe duże miasto:Prague
Jarov, Kaznejov, 33151, Czech Republic
3. Informacje o rasie
Rok urodzenia:2018
Rasa:Czech Warmblood
4. Informacja o doświadczeniu
Dodatkowe specjalizacje:
  • Skoki
  • Temperament:5-Normalny
    5. Informacje rodowe
    Kraj urodzenia:Czech Republic
    Ojciec:Iniesta TN
    Iniesta TN Starpower Stakkato 
     Enjoy (Escudo I) 
     Wiennie Padinus (Heartbeaker) 
     Elly (Ramiro Z) 
     Nifa Fou d´Amour Iago C 
     Niké Przedswit XXI 
     Inova A 
    6. Informacje kontaktowe
    Kontakt e-mail:bara.blahova@volny.cz
    Telefon kontaktowy:+420725770941
    Osoba kontaktowa:Barbora Blahova
    7. Dodatkowe informacje
    Dodatkowe informacje:
    M: Nifa (Fou d´Amour) CZEWB
    O: Iniesta (Starpower / Padinus) KWPN

    Luxury CZEWB dark bay female foal for sale, born in April 2018.

    Mother Nifa CZEWB - certified breeding mare, successful offspring at exhibitions, show jumping and cross-country in the Czech Republic and abroad.
    Laner and Porta Negra were sold for showjumping to Slovakia.
    Colato Šabata was sold to USA and he is a winner of many show jumping competitions this year at 130 cm level.
    Ni L'ataan competes in show jumping and cross-country in the Czech Republic very succesfully.
    Stella Artios – 2017 mare from Stalypso became the winner of the 2017 foal exhibition in the competition of 35 foals (also from German stud books) in Czech Republic. She is the only mare foal which present her father Stalypso this year in the stallion catalog 2018 of famous Gestüt Sprehe.

    Nifa gives to all of their offspring great character, great jumping talent, rideability and selfconfidence to jump everything – not spooky character. Her mother Niké, was successful in showjumping at 140 cm level.

    Father Iniesta TN KWPN - in the performance test Iniesta TN was able to convince over and over again with his extra canter, power, rideability and overall potential as a showjumper. He is approved for the KWPN with 82.5 points and is among the best of his year. His natural ability is no surprise given his strong pedigree. His sire Starpower TN debuted at the age of eight successful at 2*-Grand Prix with Zoï Snels and makes a big impression with his scope, technique and carefulness.
    After two years in the Czech Republic, Iniesta in 2018 returned to his stable Team Nijhof, where he successfully started his show jumping career and is also offered for insemination in NL for the price of 700 EUR.

    Inés will be sold to experienced hands, ideally for sport use in future. She will go to her new home fully socialized, with all basic habits. If it would be possible, she will participate in some of the foal shows in the Czech Republic during summer. She looks very promising, she has nice movements, very good body construction and good character.

    More photos and video by email.
    8. Dostęp do karty
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    Tryb bezpieczeństwa:Każdy może czytać karty i uwagi