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◄ Paarden
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Datum van registratie:29.12.2024
Wijzig datum:29.12.2024
Verkoop-status:Te koop
Land:United States
Naam paard:Festiva
Prijs klasse:10000E-20000E
2. Locatiegegevens
3. Ras informatie
Geboorte jaar:2013
Groei (cm):162
4. Informatie over ervaring
Optioneel specialisaties:
  • Dressuur
  • Teelt
  • Gewoon paard
  • Temperament:5-Normaal
    5. Stamboominformatie
    Land van geboorte:Spain
    6. Contactinformatie
    Contact email:Melissa.Hinze.1991@gmail.com
    Contact telefoon:+34722340308
    7. Aanvullende informatie
    Aanvullende informatie:
    The beautiful PRE mare Festiva enchants with her rare color Smokey Black (Dun) and stands in the stallion type. With her harmonious size and elegant charisma, she is an absolute eye-catcher. Festiva is a true lady of the heart - she loves to be cuddled extensively and is a friendly and confident leader in our small group of three.

    Another highlight: Festiva is expecting her first foal! The sire is an impressive Isabelo stallion and the birth of this little miracle is expected in March/April 2025 (ultrasound confirmed). We are already full of anticipation for this promising young horse. The mare can also be purchased individually after weaning.

    Festiva is fed a very natural and varied diet: alfalfa, green oats, fresh twigs, carefully selected herbs and high-quality minerals ensure an optimal supply. She is familiar with both electric and metal fences and lives with her stable mates in an open stable - an environment in which she is very social and relaxed.

    If you would like to know more about Festiva or see more pictures (including the stallion), please write me a PN!
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