Warning: include_once(/var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/objects/news/news_lang_nld_s.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/menu/menu.php on line 25

Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/objects/news/news_lang_nld_s.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/plesk/php/7.3/share/pear') in /var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/menu/menu.php on line 25

Warning: include_once(/var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/objects/equipment/equipment_lang_nld_s.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/menu/menu.php on line 29

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◄ Paarden
Foto's(1) ▼
Datum van registratie:23.04.2019
Wijzig datum:23.04.2019
Verkoop-status:Te koop
Land:United States
Naam paard:Twista
Prijs klasse:3000E-10000E
3. Ras informatie
Geboorte jaar:2014
Groei (cm):15
Kleur:Niet geselecteerd
Ras:American Quarter Horse
4. Informatie over ervaring
Optioneel specialisaties:
  • Dressuur
  • Western
  • Temperament:3-Kalmeren
    5. Stamboominformatie
    Land van geboorte:United States
    6. Contactinformatie
    Contact email:k.at.e.ri.n.ecindy1@googlemail.com
    7. Aanvullende informatie
    Aanvullende informatie:
    Gentle Quarter Horse Gelding, 5 years old, 15 hands tall. He has a very nice disposition with good conformation. He is a gentle horse. He steps right out, no spurs needed. He is bold on the trails, can be ridden out by himself and can be taken anywhere. He has a very nice disposition. No buck, bite or kick. Also, he has been ridden downtown. If you know how to ride a horse, you will enjoy riding him.He works very well in the round pen, his ground work is excellent and he is easy to work with. Awesome mountain trail horse. He walks out nicely on the trail. Goes through rivers and streams, over pack bridges and crosses over downfall easily. He has a friendly disposition and is willing to please. He learns new skills quickly. He stands quietly at the mounting block to get on and off. He loads/unloads into the trailer easily, and he stands quietly for the farrier and was just recently shoed and recently had a vet check and his teeth floated.
    8. Toegang tot de kaart
    Meldingsmodus:Laat berichten op deze kaart
    Beveiligingsmodus:Iedereen kan kaart en reacties lezen