Datum van registratie:13.01.2019
Wijzig datum:13.01.2019
Verkoop-status:Te koop
IrelandNaam paard:Grey Lass
Prijs klasse:3000E-10000E
2. Locatiegegevens
Tipperary, Ireland3. Ras informatie
Geboorte jaar:2004
Groei (cm):148
4. Informatie over ervaring
Optioneel specialisaties:
5. Stamboominformatie
Land van geboorte:Ireland
Vader:Moy Johnny’s Pride
Moeder:King’s Star
| Moy Johnny’s Pride | The Kid | |
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| Castle Park | |
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| King’s Star | Rynn Richard | |
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| Ballinahown Star | |
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6. Contactinformatie
Contact telefoon:087 946 2242
Contactpersoon:John Stapleton
7. Aanvullende informatie
Aanvullende informatie:
*Sad sale due to rider out grown
*5 star home for super pony
Grey Lass (CPBS) is a scopy 14 year old fully breed Connemara mare. She is currently jumping 110cm in SJI. She is Grade B with 154 SJI points.
This honest and kind lady has won the annual Tri Equestrian Interschools Showjumping Competition in January at Tipperary Equestrian Centre. Where she “stopped the clock in a time of 38.51 seconds to secure her win”. In addition Grey Lass has competed in the National Spring Tour which she has competed at 110cm around the country.
This super jumper is easy to Box, Shoe, Clip and Ride. Who is very honest and quick against the clock. She has a Irish green passport.8. Toegang tot de kaart
Meldingsmodus:Disallow om berichten te plaatsen op deze kaart
Beveiligingsmodus:Iedereen kan kaart alleen lezen