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◄ Pferde
Champion Choice SOLD
Foto(8) ▼Video(2) ▼
Datum der Registrierung:10.12.2019
Verkaufsstatus:zum Verkauf
Name des Pferdes:Champion Choice SOLD
Haupt Spezialisierung:Showjumping
2. Informationen über den Standort
Näheste Stadt:Riga
3. Informationen über die Rasse
Grösse (cm):171
4. Information über die Erfahrung
Weitere Spezialisierung:
  • Springren
  • Zucht
  • Freizeit
  • Temperament:aktiv
    Haben Wettbewerbe:

  • Klasse:
  • Springpr?fung 100 cm
  • Springpr?fung 110 cm
  • Springpr?fung 120 cm
  • Springpr?fung 130 cm
  • 5. Stammbauminformation

  • Land der Geburt:Latvia
    Vater:Centuryo (HL)
    Mutter:Kokle (LWB)
    Centuryo (HL) Capitol I (HL) Capitano (HL) 
     Folia (HL) 
     Uriosa (HL) Cantares (HL) 
     Karmesin (HL) 
     Kokle (LWB) Kolibri (SA) Kolibri (MB) 
     Komtess (SA) 
     Karmena (LWB) Calando IV (HL) 
     Aleja (HL) 
    6. Impressum
    Kontakttelefon:+371 29835172
    7. Zusätzliche Informationen
    Zusätzliche infomation:
    Horse was bought by amateur rider from one of the biggest stud farms - Tērvetes zirgaudzētava. From age of 4 was ridden by one of leading showjumping riders in Latvia, and parallely was worked by the owner and participated in different level competitions.

    Mare is from those horses who are going like tanks, the ideology goes by "full bank or nothing", easy for amateurs and young riders, interesting enough for athletes to bring up in middle classes.

    Perfectly healthy horse with a good mind, x rays can be sent upon prior request and vet check can be done by call on.

    in Latva we are working with the best clinics vets, results come back clean, reliable and taken on video in a case you are not able to be on a place while horse is checked.

    If horse brought to Russia/Belarus/Ukraine etc, please contact Irina - manager of horse sales in Latvia +7(925)2226008 (RUS; ENG)

    Scandinavia and Europe please contact Nora +371 29835172 (RUS; ENG)

    Horse transportation organised by leading European company RJT Horse Transport.
    Flights organised by EquiJet - LLC , Leaders in International Equestrian flights
    Ground Transportation with most reliable Russian Transport company to Asia and Baltic companies to Scandinavia.
    8. Zugriff auf die Karte
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