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◄ Pferde
Pretty Gelding, Well trained too
Foto(1) ▼
Datum der Registrierung:12.08.2019
Verkaufsstatus:zum Verkauf
Land:Czech Republic
Name des Pferdes:Pretty Gelding, Well trained too
Preisklasse:billiger als 1000E
Haupt Spezialisierung:Western
3. Informationen über die Rasse
Grösse (cm):14
4. Information über die Erfahrung
Weitere Spezialisierung:
  • Springren
  • Dressur
  • Vielseitigkeitsreiten
  • Fahrsport
  • Distanzreiten
  • Voltigieren
  • Reining
  • Polo
  • Western
  • Wettk?mpfe
  • Zucht
  • ?sthetik
  • Arbeitstier
  • Freizeit
  • Pony
  • Temperament:keine Angabe
    5. Stammbauminformation
    Land der Geburt:Great Britain
    6. Impressum
    Kontakttelefon:+1 405 633-1760
    7. Zusätzliche Informationen
    Zusätzliche infomation:
    Will is a gorgeous 14-year-old grade horse. We believe and arabian /quarter horse cross. My daughter has worked with him for 5 years. Will has impeccable ground manners. He stands for the farrier, clips and loads like a dream. Stands well for warm baths ( who in their right mind like cold baths??). He has great feet and has always been barefoot. Fairly easy keeper. Will has been hauled all over for trail rides, shows, and clinic/lessons. Will prefers to be outside but stalls well when we go places although he pouts ( fair for an entire week!). Will is looking for an engaged rider. He is not for beginners. He does extremely well for the rider who knows what they are doing and can stay ahead of him. If he perceives no one is leading... he will take control. He does best ( as with any horse) with consistent riding. Dressage judges love him. The only reason we are selling Will is that my daughter is focusing on her Mustangs, and here he sits. Serious inquiries only. Tire kickers and barrel racers need not apply- sorry guys! Would really like to see him go to a dressage home.
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