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◄ Pferde
Painted Gentleman
Foto(3) ▼
Datum der Registrierung:18.07.2019
Verkaufsstatus:zum Verkauf
Name des Pferdes:Painted Gentleman
Haupt Spezialisierung:Showjumping
2. Informationen über den Standort
Näheste Stadt:SEVILLA
3. Informationen über die Rasse
Grösse (cm):138
Farbe:Nicht angegeben
Rasse:Irish pony
4. Information über die Erfahrung
Weitere Spezialisierung:
  • Springren
  • Vielseitigkeitsreiten
  • Pony
  • Temperament:sehr passiv
    5. Stammbauminformation
    6. Impressum
    7. Zusätzliche Informationen
    Zusätzliche infomation:
    8 year old extremely talented skewbald gelding. This is any childs dream competition pony! Never stops, jumps from every stride and will help any rider. He is incredibly brave yet careful and never gets silly. He is snaffle mouthed and perfect to handle on the ground; groom, clip, shoe and tack up. Has done pony club activities, competitions and is very well behaved out hacking. He loves his hugs, kisses and being spoilt so lots of fun for any child. Parents adore him as he is such a sweet and safe ride but will take the child up the levels. Very confident out cross country and very bold but always safe and easy to control.
    He will make a top international jumping pony schooling 120, and jumping 125 at home with ease!
    Went to a show last weekend and won the 80 & 90 cm without a problem!

    Please contact for videos
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