Warning: include_once(/var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/objects/news/news_lang_fra_s.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/menu/menu.php on line 25

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◄ Chevaux
Date d'enregistrement:05.08.2023
Date de publication:05.08.2023
Statut des ventes:Vente
Pays:United States
Nom du cheval:Di
Les prix des billets:3000E-10000E
Spécialisation principaleя:Dressage
3. Informations sur la race
Année de naissance:2017
Hauteur au garrot (cm):161
Suit le cheval:Corbeau
4. Information sur l'expérience
Autres spécialisations:
  • Le saut d'obstacles
  • Dressage
  • Endurance
  • Tempérament:Non divulgué
    5. Informations sur le pedigree
    Pays de naissance:United States
    6. Coordonnées
    Votre e-mail:doraterah@gmail.com
    Numéro de téléphone:doraterah@gmail.com
    Personne à contacter:Dora Terah
    7. Informations complémentaires
    Informations complémentaires:
    He is a family favorite and the best gelding around. There are not enough words to describe how wonderful and special this gelding is. first and foremost is his incredible temperament and calm disposition. he is an absolute joy to ride and could fit any level of rider. He is very easy and push button to ride. He has the best handle with a true one hand neck rein, turnaround, stop, back, and works off your leg. He will short lope the most comfortable and prettiest circles imaginable. He does flying lead changes like a pro. The best part is, he can do it all bridle-less. he is a true gentleman to be around and stands to be brushed, bathed, shod, saddled, and bridled. He has done every aspect of ranch work and can go all day long. he has been started on live cattle on the heel side and has taken right to it. He has been taken through obstacles and goes through them without hesitation. He truly enjoys going on a nice leisurely trail ride or solid days work. he is going to be a great assets to anyone’s family.
    8. L'accès à la carte
    Recevoir les message en mode:Permettez à laisser un message pour cette carte
    Confidentialité:Disponible pour toute lecture de carte et des commentaires