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◄ Hevoset
Br?tg?rdats A'Quenikie
Muuttaa päivämäärä:10.07.2017
Myynti tila:Myytävänä
Nimeä hevonen:Br?tg?rdats A'Quenikie
Main erikoistuminen:Dressage
3. Rotu tietoa
Kasvu (cm):144
4. Tietoa kokemus
Vapaaehtoinen erikoisalat:
  • Kouluratsastus
  • Temperamentti:5-Normaali
    Ovat saaneet kilpailuja:

  • 5. Koiran tiedot
    Isä:S?rby's Quandrigo RNF 142
    äiti:Peregrine RNF 66
    S?rby's Quandrigo RNF 142   
     Peregrine RNF 66   
    6. Yhteystiedot
    Ota yhteyttä sähköpostitse:annemaritezel@yahoo.se
    Ota yhteyttä puhelimitse:0709852521
    Yhteyshenkilö:Annemari Tezel Tairi
    7. Lisätietoja
    Br?tg?rdets A?Quenikie is an amazing FEI dressage pony with beautiful expression. He has three excellent gaits, with + for a trot out of the ordinary. He is always fun to ride and positive to his rider, in training and competition.

    He is very easy to travel with and have no problem with new places. He is a brave and reliable horse. In 2 years, Quenikie has gone from local level to FEI level with 2 Swedish Championships, won and placed in FEI classes and represented Sweden internationally. Quenikie, together with his current rider, is included in the Swedish Equestrian Federation's dressage committee youth troop. Quenikie is a wonderful kind and social pony that always wants to please.

    His pedigree is outstanding and gold awarded. He is out of S?rby's Quandringo RNF 142 and Peregrine RNF 66. Quenikie was rewarded as a young horse with diploma in jumping with the points 8 - 9. At the moment he is only jumping for fun and variety.

    20170702 Quenikie won the gold medal in the Swedish New Forest Championship with 72.50%.

    Quenikie is sold by his breeder / owner. For more information call rider's mother Annemari at + 46 709-85 25 21.

    8. Pääsy kortti
    Viesti tilassa:Annetaan kirjoittaa tälle kortille
    Turvallisuus-tilassa:Jokainen voi lukea kortin ja kommentit