Fecha de registro:15.09.2018
Cambio de fecha:15.09.2018
Venta de estado:Venta
GermanyNombre del caballo:Jitze
Los precios de la clase:Más caro en 150000E
Mayor especialización:Races
2. Información de ubicación
Ciudad grande más cercana:BREMEN
Bremen in Germany3. Raza información
Año de nacimiento:2011
Altura (cm):170
4. Información acerca de la experiencia
Una mayor especialización:
S?lo caballo
Temperamento:No se especifica
5. Información de pedigrí
País de nacimiento:Germany
Padre:Andries 415
6. Información de Contacto
Teléfono de contacto:00491608577880
Persona de contacto:Anke
7. Información adicional
Información adicional:
I seek new owner or sponsor for my popular showstallion.
He is very popular here and is invited to all frisian stallion shows and exhibitions around germany.
His look is fascinating everyone who saw him in nature.
His mane is 150cm, his tail is very thik, he is trained in a lot of tricks and makes dressage up to flying changes on both sides. His gaits are spectacular. Very good walk, best canter and spectacular trott.
He is very clever and very cool in show effects like darkness riding and loud music or jumping kids arround him. He loves kids and makes big show when he has people arround him. He is always to handle also when he makes his self beautyful. He has a lot of fans and gets more on every show.
He is very gentle in riding with other horses. He makes no nois or trouble with mares if You ride next to them. When he is free outside he looks very wild and like a big fantastic stallion.
I have seen many horses in my lifetime but this stallion is really „once in a lifetime“
I would love to find a sponsor by this way first.
In second step I will accept the highest offer in combination with best place for him.8. El acceso a la tarjeta
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