Nearest big city: Полтава
Stalls: 38
Fields: 2
Forest access: Partial access to forest
Nearest big city: Туапсе
Stalls: 17
Fields: 2
Price ($): 216000
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Москва
Stalls: 100
Fields: 2
Price ($): 25000
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Kazan
Stalls: 5
Fields: 3
Price ($): 400
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: ЗВЕНИГОРОД
Stalls: 10
Fields: 1
Price ($): 1000
Forest access: Not specidied
Nearest big city: Владимир
Stalls: 20
Fields: 4
Forest access: Not specidied
Nearest big city: тихорецк
Stalls: 32
Fields: 2
Price ($): 945000
Forest access: Not specidied
Nearest big city: Tver
Stalls: 6
Fields: 100
Price ($): 2000
Forest access: Full access to forest
Nearest big city: Можайск
Stalls: 100
Fields: 2
Forest access: Not specidied
Nearest big city: Подольск, Климовск, Домодедово, Москва
Stalls: 35
Fields: 1
Forest access: Full access to forest