3. Veterinary options
Veterinary clinic:Present. Charge
Veterinarian:Present. Charge
Pharmacy supply:Pharmacy shop
Infirmary:No infirmary
Inspection of horse:For request
X-ray machine:Charge
Vaccination:Free veterinarian
4. Living service
Personal locker:Present. For free
Personal room:Present. For free
Personal house:Present. Charge
Personal strongbox:Present. For free
Shower:No shower
WC:Present. For free
Room for equipment:Present. For free
Parking:Parking for free
Additional liv. information:
Мангал, беседка для пикника5. Training infrastructure
Showjumping obstacles:Not specidied
Dressage borders:Not specidied
Eventing obstacles:Not specidied
Walkers:Not specidied
Springartens:Not specidied
Solarium:Not specidied
Swimming pool:Not specidied
Forest access:Not specidied
Fields access:Not specidied
Water access to river or lake:Not specidied
Equipment shop:Not specidied
Lighting:Not specidied
Audio broadcast:Not specidied
Video broadcast:Not specidied
6. Food service
Food sevice:No food service
Food dispenser:No food dispenser
7. Entertainment
Restroom:Present. For free
TV / DVD:TV only
Internet:No internet
Arbor:Present. For free
Playroom:No playroom
Playground:No playground
8. Contact information
Location:МО, Раменский р-н, д.Дурниха
Contact phone:89037233476
9. Additional information
Additional information:
В клубе две деревянные конюшни на 44 головы и летник на 6 голов. Два плаца - конкурный 50х50 и выездковый 30х60, грунт -песок+щепа.Манеж, бочка для работы на корде, левады. Для владельцев комната отдыха с персональными шкафами, чайник, микроволновка. Туалет .Амуничник отапливаемый. В клубе работают опытные тренера и берейторы. Есть индивидуальные занятия на клубных лошадях.10. Access to card
Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
Security mode:Can read owner only