Warning: include_once(/var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/objects/news/news_lang_eng_s.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/menu/menu.php on line 25

Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/objects/news/news_lang_eng_s.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/plesk/php/7.3/share/pear') in /var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/menu/menu.php on line 25

Warning: include_once(/var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/objects/equipment/equipment_lang_eng_s.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/horse.ru/kernel/menu/menu.php on line 29

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◄ Stables
Fotos(3) ▼
3. Veterinary options
Veterinary clinic:Not specidied
Veterinarian:Present. Charge
Pharmacy supply:Pharmacy charge for tenants
Infirmary:Not specified
Inspection of horse:For request
X-ray machine:Charge
Vaccination:Not specified
Additional vet. information:
Конюшня на ветучете, все плановые прививки и исследования платные.
По необходимости приезжают ветврачи из Москвы с рентгеновским аппаратом и УЗИ.
4. Living service
Personal locker:Not specidied
Personal room:Not specidied
Personal house:Not specidied
Personal strongbox:Not specidied
Shower:Present. For free
WC:Present. For free
Room for equipment:Present. For free
Parking:Parking for free
Additional liv. information:
Есть гостевые комнаты, можно переночевать.Если проживать более 3 суток- то 250 руб/сутки.
5. Training infrastructure
Showjumping obstacles:Not specidied
Dressage borders:Not specidied
Eventing obstacles:Not specidied
Walkers:Not specidied
Springartens:Not specidied
Solarium:Not specidied
Swimming pool:Not specidied
Forest access:Not specidied
Fields access:Not specidied
Water access to river or lake:Not specidied
Equipment shop:Not specidied
Lighting:Not specidied
Audio broadcast:Not specidied
Video broadcast:Not specidied
6. Food service
Food sevice:Not specidied
Food dispenser:Not specidied
Additional food information:
При проживании- продукты свои и готовка- самостоятельно :)
7. Entertainment
Restroom:Not specidied
TV / DVD:Not specidied
Internet:Not specidied
Arbor:Not specidied
Playroom:Not specidied
Playground:Not specidied
Additional ent. information:
Лес с грибами, рыбалка,верховая езда в полях на своей лошади и на частных с разрешения владельца..
8. Contact information
Location:Тульская обл, Дубенский р-н,д.Столбово.
Contact email:zaba5@bk.ru
Contact phone:8920 7941828
Contact person:Юлия
Internet page:http://www.js-neman.ru
10. Access to card
Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
Security mode:Everyone can read card and comments