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◄ Stables
КСК Атлас
3. Veterinary options
Veterinary clinic:No clinic
Veterinarian:Present. Charge
Pharmacy supply:Pharmacy charge for tenants
Infirmary:No infirmary
Inspection of horse:For request
X-ray machine:No x-ray machine
Vaccination:Free veterinarian
4. Living service
Personal locker:Present. For free
Personal room:Present. Charge
Personal house:No personal house
Personal strongbox:No personal strongbox
Shower:Present. For free
WC:Present. For free
Room for equipment:Present. For free
Parking:Parking for free
5. Training infrastructure
  • Showjumping
  • Dressage
  • Endurance
  • Breeding
  • Workhorse
  • Just horse
  • Showjumping obstacles:Training set
    Dressage borders:Training set
    Eventing obstacles:No obstacles
    Walkers:No walkers
    Springartens:No springarten
    Solarium:No solarium
    Swimming pool:No swimming
    Forest access:Full access to forest
    Fields access:Full access to fields
    Water access to river or lake:Full access to water
    Equipment shop:No equipment shop
    Lighting:Local lighting
    Audio broadcast:No audio broadcasting
    Video broadcast:No video broadcasting
    6. Food service
    Food sevice:Cafe
    Food dispenser:No food dispenser
    Kitchen:No kitchen
    7. Entertainment
    Restroom:Present. For free
    Internet:Present. Charge
    Arbor:Present. Charge
    Playroom:No playroom
    Playground:No playground
    8. Contact information
    Location:МО. Домодедовский лесхоз
    Contact email:tanuchi@bk.ru
    Contact phone:8-905-522-85-67
    Contact person:Татьяна
    9. Additional information
    Additional information:
    к нам можно проехать от метро Домодедовская на маршрутном такси 466 "Бор"-конечная. а также по каширскому. симферопольскому шоссе и трассе М4 "Дон"
    10. Access to card
    Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
    Security mode:Everyone can read card only