1. General
Date of registration:13.08.2022
Modify date:13.08.2022
Sale status:For sale
ItalyHorse name:FLORIAN BP59
Price class:40000E-80000E
Main specialization:Dressage
2. Location information
3. Breed information
Birth year:2015
Growth (cm):172
Colour:Not selected
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
Temperament:Not specified
5. Pedigree information
Country of Birth:Italy
Father:Ceasar Ter Linden
Mother:Femke van den Eikenhoeve
| Ceasar Ter Linden | King XX 02 | Purioso |
| Wanda |
| Lianne | Ferro |
| Cindy |
| Femke van den Eikenhoeve | Nanning 374 | Teunis 332 |
| Sierda |
| Pauline T. Van ‘T Molenhof | Lammert 260 |
| Woltsje fan ut Hettingapaed |
6. Contact information
Contact phone:+393495562882
Contact person:Paola
7. Additional information
Additional information:
Il cavallo è utilizzato molto per la riproduzione e nonostante questo è un cavallo dedito al lavoro senza distrazioni. Seme molto buono sia fresco che congelato. Iscritto come stallone approvato in AES Anglo European Studbook8. Access to card
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