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◄ Horses
Fotos(4) ▼
1. General
Date of registration:14.09.2021
Modify date:01.03.2022
Sale status:For sale
Country:Czech Republic
Horse name:icara
Price class:40000E-80000E
Main specialization:Eventing
2. Location information
Nearest big city:sopot
near Sopot
3. Breed information
Birth year:2013
Growth (cm):174
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
  • Showjumping
  • Dressage
  • Eventing
  • Breeding
  • Temperament:5-Normal
  • Advanced (1,20m)
  • Top level (1,25m)
  • 5. Pedigree information
    Country of Birth:Poland
    Father:MTS Starpower
    MTS Starpower stakkato spartan 
     whoopy corrado1 CORDELABRYERE 
    6. Contact information
    Contact email:ulrika-kop@seznam.cz
    Contact phone:734243720
    Contact person:Kopřivová Ulrika
    7. Additional information
    Additional information:
    Icara is what every serious competitor is searching for. She has an incredible presence and all of the pieces. Shes supple and relaxed to flat, straightforward in the show jumping, and bold cross country. She has a good work ethic in both the dressage and show jumping arena.
    Icara is a phenomenal jumper who shows a load more potential. She would excel in the jumpers. She is also brave cross country and no issues with water, ditches or banks, etc.
    She is always 100% honest. She never steps a foot out of line, wonderful ground manners, perfect to ship, and quiet at shows or out hacking on the trails. No spook, buck or rear. I cannot say enough good things about this mare.The next person to own this mare will be an extremely lucky person
    3stars On this level she needed an experienced rider. This talented horse has loads of untapped potential and is ready to find someone to climb the levels with.
    She always does a nice, consistent dressage, she is extremely honest and fun cross country. She would be able to teach a kid the ropes of eventing and jumping all the way up to a competitive AA/YR who wants to win at the 2*/preliminary level.
    This extremely talented mare has true FEI potential.
    With her great ride ability, she makes a lasting impression on whom ever sees her. She loves her personal grooming time. With this horse, you will be the star in FEI classes, the judges and onlookers will remember her where ever she goes.
    This horse is definitely a ticket to the top!
    We are looking for a 5-star home and the right person for this special mare. This horse means the world to me. The price is negotiable. On request, I can send videos by WhatsApp. Please write me only per email: Ulrika-Kop@seznam.cz
    8. Access to card
    Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
    Security mode:Everyone can read card and comments