1. General
Date of registration:05.06.2020
Modify date:05.06.2020
Sale status:For sale
EstoniaHorse name:Birco von Seeder
Price class:3000E-10000E
Main specialization:Showjumping
2. Location information
Nearest big city:Tallinn
Estonias biggest island, Saaremaa, Kaisvere küla3. Breed information
Birth year:2017
Growth (cm):155
4. Information about experience
Temperament:Not specified
5. Pedigree information
National Sport Federation Passport
Country of Birth:Estonia
Father:Balou du Rouet
Mother:Qulity Grey von Seeder
| Balou du Rouet | Baloubet du Rouet | Galoubet A |
| Mesange du Rouet |
| Georgia | Continue |
| GeorgetteII |
| Qulity Grey von Seeder | Quadros | Quidam de Revel |
| Pia Estelle |
| Katherin | Lavall II |
| Veilchen III |
7. Additional information
Additional information:
A bit hot 3 years old sporthorse for showjumping. Has been handled, but not broken in. Good looking young horse who is a bit smaller size. Likes to freejump. Located with the breeder. Could jump in the future 120-130 cm courses.8. Access to card
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