1. General
Date of registration:23.05.2020
Modify date:23.05.2020
Sale status:For sale
BelgiumHorse name:last days to bid on breemeersen online auction
Price class:20000E-40000E
Main specialization:Showjumping
2. Location information
3. Breed information
Birth year:2012
Growth (cm):166
Breed:Belgian Warmblood BWP
4. Information about experience
5. Pedigree information
Country of Birth:Belgium
6. Contact information
Contact phone:+32476646735
Contact person:Donaat Brondeel
7. Additional information
Additional information:
Miss Catalunya vd Breemeersen
°2012 - mare - 1.66m - BWP
Adorado x Corrado I x Joost
This mare has a good origin with a mother who was also active in sport up to 1.30m level. She herself has many qualities to achieve a high level. She is a ideal horse for a rider with ambition for a high level.
Miss Catalunya is in training with us for a few months and she makes progress in a short time. We think she will jump courses up to 1.40m level.8. Access to card
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