1. General
Date of registration:16.01.2020
Modify date:28.01.2020
Sale status:For sale
LatviaHorse name:Kaldero SOLD
Price class:10000E-20000E
Main specialization:Showjumping
2. Location information
Nearest big city:Lielv?rde
3. Breed information
Birth year:2014
Growth (cm):165
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
Just horse
Have got competitions:
Course 60 cm
Course 100 cm
Course 110 cm
Course 120 cm
5. Pedigree information
National Sport Federation Passport
Country of Birth:Latvia
Father:Kvartet (LWB)
Mother:Džunglija (LWB)
| Kvartet (LWB) | Calliano (HL) | Calido I (HL) |
| S-Ramina (HL) |
| Veldre (HN) | Vāgners (HN) |
| Lukrēcija (HL) |
| Džunglija (LWB) | Deriks (LWB) | Depozīts (LWB) |
| Reforma (LWB) |
| Greifija (LWB) | Gardegeneral (HN) |
| Fleiva (LWB) |
6. Contact information
Contact phone:+37129835172
Contact person:Nora
7. Additional information
Additional information:
Owned by small breeding stable, last two years ridden by junior rider and horse has brought up to 120cm courses, still needs schooling but he is strong enough to do full 120cm.
Kaldero is easy going without bad habits and problem free stallion, who is easy to ridden between mares and other horses as at home as in competition ring.
Mare has got show experience up to 120cm courses, home jumped up to 125cm exercises and prepared for next competition season.
Perfect horse for an amateur rider on 110-120cm classes.
X-rays available by request. Vet check if needed, done by one of leading veterinarians.
If horse brought to Russia/Belarus/Ukraine etc, please contact Irina - manager of horse sales in Latvia +7(925)2226008
Scandinavia and Europe please contact Nora +371 29835172
Horse transportation organised by leading European company RJT Horse Transport.
Flights organised by EquiJet - LLC , Leaders in International Equestrian flights
Ground Transportation with most reliable Russian Transport company to Asia and Baltic companies to Scandinavia.8. Access to card
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