1. General
Date of registration:18.12.2019
Modify date:18.12.2019
Sale status:For sale
SwedenHorse name:Odinn
Price class:3000E-10000E
Main specialization:Showjumping
2. Location information
Tenhult Jönköping Sweden3. Breed information
Birth year:2015
Colour:Not selected
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
5. Pedigree information
Country of Birth:Sweden
Father:Gido KNN249
Mother:Sackum Molnia SKN1037
| Gido KNN249 | Ecuador Skrödstrup SKN 21 | Perikles Christinelyst SKN 19 |
| Jeanette Skrödstrup KNN 1910 KN DK |
| Guchi SE 04-04-2276 | Chico´s Boy DE 421 000162200 |
| Ghana 27209 |
| Sackum Molnia SKN1037 | Faust af Elmelygård SKN 7 | Apollon KNN 108 KN DK |
| Calma KNN 1416 KN DK |
| Nirette af Krakär SKN 1004 | Niro af Thorsager KNN 88 KN DK |
| Maja KNN 2424 KN DK |
6. Contact information
Contact phone:0735128901
Contact person:Madde
7. Additional information
Additional information:
Nice cool knabstrup stallion. He takes most stuff with ease.
Nice and calm in all handling from the ground, needs experienced rider in the saddle.
Broken in and training is under way. Loose jumps 140cm like it's nothing.
Graded 7 in general, 9-9 in loose jumping.
Got a breeding license for the years 2018-2019.
Pedigree you find here:
Looking for a event rider who wants to be seen and is looking for a new awesome prospect.8. Access to card
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