1. General
Date of registration:26.11.2019
Modify date:26.11.2019
Sale status:For sale
BelgiumHorse name:llanidan esquire
Price class:3000E-10000E
Main specialization:Pony
2. Location information
Nearest big city:Brugge
Muy hermoso semental de sección C galés - hermosos descendientes todos con excelente movimiento - es vendido por wellingshoeve estable ya que detienen los ponis de la Sección C. Mucha experiencia en el espectáculo - Con licencia de cubierta inglesa y holandesa. Ya va bajo el sillín. Bueno en el trato - sin defectos de granero.
Very beautiful welsh Section C stallion - beautiful descendants all with excellent movement - is sold by stable Wellingshoeve as they stop the Section C ponies. Lots of show experience - With both English and Dutch deck license. Already goes under the saddle. Good in dealing - no barn defects.3. Breed information
Birth year:2014
Growth (cm):136
Colour:Not selected
Breed:Welsh Cob
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
5. Pedigree information
National Sport Federation Passport
FEI Passport
Country of Birth:Belgium
Father:parvadean gold top
Mother:thorneyside mary kate
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6. Contact information
Contact phone:0032475970595
Contact person:saskia
8. Access to card
Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
Security mode:Everyone can read card and comments