1. General
Date of registration:06.04.2019
Modify date:06.04.2019
Sale status:For sale
BelarusHorse name:Verden
Price class:3000E-10000E
Main specialization:Dressage
2. Location information
3. Breed information
Birth year:2014
Growth (cm):178
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
5. Pedigree information
6. Contact information
Contact phone:+375291356049, viber
Contact person:Marina
7. Additional information
Additional information:
Перспективный молодой жеребец
Возгоновская линия
Год рождения 2014
Высота в холке 178 см
Подготовка согласно возраста
Тренинг в полях, выгул на травянных левадах
Хорошо работает в манеже и полях
Без травм и проблем со здоровьем
1 хозяин
перспективен в спорт, но из-за отсутствия рядом манежа, подготовка затруднена
связь по телефону +375291356049, viber
Promising young stallion
Vozgonovskaya line
Year of birth 2014
height at withers 178 cm
preparation according to age
Training in the fields, walking on the grass levada
Works well in the arena and fields
No injuries and health problems
1 owner
promising in the sport, but due to the lack of a playpen nearby, preparation is difficult
communication by phone +375291356049, Viber8. Access to card
Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
Security mode:Everyone can read card and comments