1. General
Date of registration:30.10.2017
Modify date:01.11.2017
Sale status:For sale
Czech RepublicHorse name:Heidy van Silesia
Price class:1000E-3000E
Main specialization:Breeding
2. Location information
3. Breed information
Birth year:2017
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
5. Pedigree information
Country of Birth:Czech Republic
Father:Allard BP21
| Allard BP21 | Willem van Nassau Sport Pref | |
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| | Wobke 403 Sport | |
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6. Contact information
7. Additional information
Additional information:
St?j Friesian & Barock Pinto van Silesia nab?z? k prodeji elegantn? klisni?ku plemene barock pinto ( 87,5% fr?sk? krve )
Narozen? 1.4. 2017 z fr?sk? matky Renske van Hoeve Jacolie Stb, PB Ster, full pedigree ( Wobke 403 x Sjaard 320 )
po BP otci Allard PB21 ( Willem van Nassau Sport Pref., drezurn? v?konnost Grand Prix) TOP p?vod. H??bata po h?ebci Allard PB21 na svodech dosahuj? velmi dobr?ch v?sledk? a ?asto odch?zej? s ud?lenou pr?mi?.
Klisni?ka je velmi p??telsk? povahy, mazliv?, zvykl? na o?et?ov?n?, ohl?vku, ?pravu kop?tek, ?ipovan? atd. Je velmi p?kn? narostl? s pravideln?mi chody.
Klisni?ka bude vhodn? do chovu barock pinta, ke sportovn?mu vyu?it? (z?p?ah, drez?ra) a nebo jako rodinn? kon?k. Cena dohodou.
Dal?? informace naleznete na n??e uveden?ch odkazech:
Stable Friesian & Barock Pinto van Silesia offers for sale elegant barock pinto filly (87.5% Friesian blood)
Born 1.4. 2017
mother Renske van Hoeve Jacolie Stb, PB Ster, full TOP pedigree (Wobke 403 x Sjaard 320) , she gave birth so far 3 friesian offspring , with two offspring receiving the STER title, who were also born in our stable.
father Allard PB21 (Willem van Nassau Sport Pref., dressage Grand Prix) TOP pedigree.
Filly is very friendly, she has a very good character, very nice exterior and a correct movement.
Filly will be suitable for barock pinto breeding, for sports use (driving, dressage) or as a family horse. Price on request.
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