1. General
Date of registration:24.10.2017
Modify date:28.06.2019
Sale status:Sold
LatviaHorse name:Cooper Guy SOLD
Price class:3000E-10000E
Main specialization:Dressage
2. Location information
Nearest big city:Birzgale
3. Breed information
Birth year:2014
Growth (cm):162
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
5. Pedigree information
National Sport Federation Passport
Country of Birth:Latvia
Father:Coleo (HL)
Mother:Glaz?ra (LS)
| Coleo (HL) | Contender (HL) | Calypso II (HL) |
| Gofine (HL) |
| Cara III (HL) | Rolling Stone (HL) |
| Ostara (HL) |
| Glaz?ra (LS) | Grand Libero (HN) | Achill Libero H (HL) |
| Grand Lady (HN) |
| Lag?na (LS) | Lakmuss (TR) |
| Maija (LS) |
6. Contact information
Contact phone:+37129835172
Contact person:Nora
7. Additional information
Additional information:
History: The breeder is the owner as well, the horse hasn't got any traumas or problems with health.
Character: In his lovely attitude he is one of the stables loved horses. As a youngster, of course, he is afraid of many things, but Cooper is from those horses who won't run away but will be interested in everything despite the fear.
Training: slowly started to be introduced with saddle pads, saddle and is being longed with them, as well he is introduced with the rider as he is climbing on him instead of standing beside him.8. Access to card
Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
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