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◄ Horses
Fotos(4) ▼
1. General
Date of registration:19.09.2017
Modify date:19.09.2017
Sale status:For sale
Country:Czech Republic
Horse name:Gloria
Price class:1000E-3000E
Main specialization:Just horse
3. Breed information
Birth year:2013
Colour:Not selected
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
  • Endurance
  • Breeding
  • Just horse
  • Temperament:6-Active
    5. Pedigree information
    Country of Birth:Czech Republic
    6. Contact information
    Contact email:bujuasiseifl@gmail.com
    7. Additional information
    Additional information:
    Rozhodli jsme se d?t Glorii na vhodn? nov? domov, je 100% zdrav? a byla dob?e vy?kolena a nyn? je p?ipravena j?t do nov?ho domova z na?eho chovn?ho programu, proto?e je nyn? p?ipravena m?t d?ti. Te? je na?ase, aby se uvolnila! Ona je skv?l? k??, jist? a velmi dop?edu. Je pro v?s k dispozici.

    V?k: 4 roky
    ?ern? barva
    V??ka: 16.3 ruce
    Dicipline: j?zda na trati, chov, d?tsk? trezor, man?elsk? trezor, rekreace atd
    v??n? z?jem koupit? v?ce obr?zk? ! videa a informace!
    kontaktujte n?s @ email ... bujuasiseifl@gmail.com
    8. Access to card
    Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
    Security mode:Everyone can read card and comments