1. General
Date of registration:30.08.2017
Modify date:30.08.2017
Sale status:For sale
LithuaniaHorse name:Chopsonas
Price class:3000E-10000E
Main specialization:Showjumping
2. Location information
Nearest big city:Marijampol?
3. Breed information
Birth year:2012
Growth (cm):175
Colour:Not selected
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
5. Pedigree information
Country of Birth:Lithuania
| Etiketas | Cheopsas | Fokus |
| Chunta |
| Emka | Paket |
| Emocija |
| Cherpesa | Gluchar | Gepatit EX Gandikap |
| Chid?ina |
| Cheresa | Forpost |
| Chimen?ja |
6. Contact information
Contact phone:+37065577226
Contact person:Greta
7. Additional information
Additional information:
5y.old trakehner gelding Chopsonas. In competition arena jumps 105, horse has been ridden for less than a year, jumping for about half a year now. Healthy, no vices, no bad habits, legs are clean, no scars, have no problem with lugs and breathing. Quick learner, loves to work, has a nice moves, coordinate movements and flexibility. Has really nice and technical jump. Of course he is young, so needs more work to be put in him, but has a lot of potential for showjumping. Height 175cm.8. Access to card
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