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◄ Horses
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1. General
Date of registration:15.08.2017
Modify date:15.08.2017
Sale status:For sale
Horse name:De?avu
Price class:20000E-40000E
Main specialization:Dressage
2. Location information
3. Breed information
Birth year:2008
Growth (cm):175
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
  • Showjumping
  • Dressage
  • Temperament:2-Bulletproof
  • Course 120 cm
  • Prix St. Georges
  • 5. Pedigree information
  • National Sport Federation Passport
  • Country of Birth:Latvia
    Father:Don F?rst
    Don F?rst Dinard L Damokles 
     Fayence Fr?hlingstraum 
     ?atoba ?entas Strutis 
     Bever?na B?esk 
    6. Contact information
    Contact email:lindajosta@gmail.com
    7. Additional information
    Additional information:
    De?avu is very well behaved, bombproof, long legged, beautiful and experienced 9 years old mare suitable for dressage and as well as for show jumping, height around 175 cm. The horse has very sweet nature, very social with people and other horses, has big show experience in show jumping (up to 125 cm, at home jumping higher) and now she is competing in dressage with good results at M level, but also can do flying changes on every 4th, 3rd and second stride, learning half piruetes in canter.
    The mare is not spooky at home or show grounds, loves hacking out, quite in the stable and easy to handle, would be suitable for young riders, juniors or ambitious amateur. It is easy to clip, plait and shoe her.
    8. Access to card
    Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
    Security mode:Everyone can read card and comments