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◄ Horses
Fotos(4) ▼
1. General
Date of registration:04.08.2017
Modify date:04.08.2017
Sale status:For sale
Horse name:RONDE?O
Price class:3000E-10000E
Main specialization:Dressage
2. Location information
Nearest big city:Badajoz
Centro Ecuestre Las Cumbres
3. Breed information
Birth year:2012
Growth (cm):168
Colour:Not selected
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
  • Dressage
  • Temperament:Not specified
    5. Pedigree information
    Country of Birth:Spain
    6. Contact information
    Contact email:cumbrecast@gmail.com
    Contact phone:661417209
    Contact person:Javier
    7. Additional information
    Additional information:
    Hijo de Halc?n, con 1,68 de alzada y cinco a?os de edad. Caballo para doma.

    Son of Falcon, with 1.68 of elevation and five years of age. Horse for dressage.

    Sohn Falcon, mit 1,68 der H?he und f?nf Jahre alt. Dressurpferd.

    Figlio di Falcon, con 1,68 di altezza e cinque anni. dressage cavallo.
    8. Access to card
    Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
    Security mode:Everyone can read card and comments