1. General
Date of registration:03.04.2017
Modify date:29.01.2019
Sale status:Sold
LatviaHorse name:Adriana SOLD
Price class:10000E-20000E
Main specialization:Showjumping
2. Location information
3. Breed information
Birth year:2011
Growth (cm):168
4. Information about experience
Optional specializations:
Temperament:Not specified
5. Pedigree information
National Sport Federation Passport
Country of Birth:Latvia
Father:Arboletto (HL)
Mother:D?eida (LS)
| Arboletto (HL) | Alboretto (HL) | Acord II (HL) |
| Gina - Ginelli (HL) |
| Gita (HL) | Athlet Z (HN) |
| Tschita (HL) |
| D?eida (LS) | Disko (HN) | Dover?evij (HN) |
| Seda (HN) |
| Dev?ze (LS) | Delik?ts (HN) |
| Gaurija (LS) |
6. Contact information
Contact phone:+37129835172
Contact person:Nora
7. Additional information
Additional information:
History: Owned by two owners, last owner from age of 4, when started showjumping career. No known traumas or other health problems.
Character: Acts adequately in every situation, is brave seeing new and colorful obstacles, isn’t getting stressed in new places, has got fighters character.
Training: Trained up to 110cm, prepared for 120cm, at this moment participates in national level competitions up to 110cm.
Rider: Is suitable for junior riders and children who have already started their showjumping career.
Examination: X – rays and vet check is done.8. Access to card
Message mode:Allow to post messages to this card
Security mode:Everyone can read card and comments