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◄ Heste
Billeder(5) ▼
Dato for registrering:03.03.2018
Rediger dato:04.03.2018
Salg status:Til salg
Navngiv hesten:Szilaj
Pris klasse:3000E-10000E
Main specialisering:Dressage
2. Stedsoplysninger
Nærmeste storby:Vilnius
3. Race information
Vækst (cm):162
4. Oplysninger om erfaring
Valgfri specialiseringer:
  • Dressur
  • ?stetik
  • Bare hest
  • Temperament:Ikke specificeret
    5. Stamtavle information

  • Fødeland:Lithuania
    Far:3977 Conversano XXIV-10
    Mother:Tulipan XIV-1L
    3977 Conversano XXIV-10   
     Tulipan XIV-1L   
    6. Kontaktoplysninger
    Kontakt email:karolinarepsaite@gmail.com
    Kontakt telefon:+37062947777
    7. Yderligere oplysninger
    Yderligere oplysninger:
    6 years old, 162 cm high Lipizzan gelding (3977 Conversano XXIV-10 x Tulipán XIV-1L) for sale.

    He's super smart fast-learner, brave and not spooky at all. Physically strong and healthy, mentally stable horse. Friendly with people and other horses. No problem with shoeing, transporting.

    The horse would be suitable for a dressage rider looking for a new partner or to be ridden as a hobby/trail horse. He may also be a great choice for riding schools because of his character traits as well as extraordinary provenance and appearance.

    Price: 3800 Euro

    Currently located in Vilnius, Lithuania. Worldwide transportation at a special price available.

    For more info call +37062947777 email karolinarepsaite@gmail.com
    8. Adgang til kort
    Message-mode:Tillad at skrive indlæg til dette kort
    Sikkerhed tilstand:Alle kan læse kortet og kommentarer