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◄ Heste
Acanto Blue
Billeder(1) ▼
Dato for registrering:30.11.2017
Rediger dato:30.11.2017
Salg status:Til salg
Land:Czech Republic
Navngiv hesten:Acanto Blue
Pris klasse:20000E-40000E
Main specialisering:Showjumping
2. Stedsoplysninger
Nærmeste storby:Prague
3. Race information
Farve:Ikke valgt
4. Oplysninger om erfaring
Valgfri specialiseringer:
  • Springning
  • Temperament:5-Normal
    Har fået konkurrencer:

  • Class:

  • 5. Stamtavle information
    Fødeland:Czech Republic
    Far:Acantus GK
    Acantus GK   
    6. Kontaktoplysninger
    Kontakt email:9519308@gmail.com
    Kontakt telefon:89995138694
    7. Yderligere oplysninger
    Yderligere oplysninger:
    Super sweet 5y old gelding by Acantus GK out of Chacco Blue mother. Very modern and elegant type of horse with a correct conformation. Very easy to handle, clip, shoe, ship etc, sweet to be around, loves people and has a pet personality. Well behaved under saddle, has both changes, light in hand, jumps any kind of jump. Very careful jumper with tons of scope however his style gives him great presumption to become a 3 ring horse. Experienced up to 1.20m jumpers in Europe. Xrays available. Shipping can be arranged. Many others available, ask for details!
    8. Adgang til kort
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