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◄ Heste
Billeder(2) ▼
Dato for registrering:25.11.2017
Rediger dato:25.11.2017
Salg status:Til salg
Navngiv hesten:Boomer
Pris klasse:1000E-3000E
Main specialisering:Dressage
3. Race information
Vækst (cm):162
Farve:Ikke valgt
4. Oplysninger om erfaring
Valgfri specialiseringer:
  • Dressur
  • Reining
  • Bare hest
  • Temperament:1-Lazy
    5. Stamtavle information
    6. Kontaktoplysninger
    Kontakt email:loramendez77@gmail.com
    Kontaktperson:Lora Mendez
    7. Yderligere oplysninger
    Yderligere oplysninger:
    Meet Boomer, a Dressage Partner for Life~

    Sweet 8 year old imported Friesian Gelding. Boomer has very nice correct gaits for dressage and is forward and light to aid. He is also very smooth and not a rough gaited, hard to sit Friesian and would be excellent for the Warmblood rider moving into Friesians or wants to have one of each! Boomer is extremely personable, loves to cuddle and just be in your pocket. Ridden on trails and loves it will a calm rider. Nice size, good bone and excellent feet, We have what you are looking for!
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