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◄ Heste
Ramzes van Silesia Vb STER
Billeder(5) ▼
Dato for registrering:30.10.2017
Rediger dato:01.11.2017
Salg status:Til salg
Land:Czech Republic
Navngiv hesten:Ramzes van Silesia Vb STER
Pris klasse:10000E-20000E
Main specialisering:Dressage
2. Stedsoplysninger
Nærmeste storby:Ostrava
3. Race information
4. Oplysninger om erfaring
Valgfri specialiseringer:
  • Dressur
  • Driving
  • Avl
  • Temperament:Ikke specificeret
    5. Stamtavle information
    Fødeland:Czech Republic
    Far:Beart 411 Sport Prefer.
    Beart 411 Sport Prefer.   
      Wobke 403 Sport  
    6. Kontaktoplysninger
    Internet side:http://van silesia.com
    7. Yderligere oplysninger
    Yderligere oplysninger:
    St?j Friesian & Barock Pinto van Silesia nab?z? k prodeji velmi elegantn?ho fr?sk?ho h?ebce se sportovn?mi p?edpoklady, nar. 2013, z fr?sk? matky Renske van Hoeve Jacolie Stb, BP STER x Beart 411 Sport Preferent ( h?ebec, kter? m? na sv?m kontu ?adu v?stavn?ch, sportovn?ch a chovatelsk?ch ?sp?ch? ).

    * testace genetick?ch vad ( Hydrocephalus, Dwarfismus, Chestnut faktor ) - negativn?
    * ?sp??n? spln?n? v?konnostn?ch zkou?ek v z?p?e?i
    IBOP zkou?ka v z?p?e?i ( svod CAFK ) - 75 bod?
    IBOP zkou?ka v z?p?e?i ( svod Barock Pinto ) - 49,5 bod?
    * remontn? v?cvik pod sedlem
    * licentovan? fr?sk? h?ebec pro plemennou knihu Barock Pinto
    * komisa?i velmi kladn? hodnocen plemenn? typ, kvalita kon?etin, v?born? mechanika pohybu

    * svod fr?sk?ch kon?ch kon? CSFHO - titul STER, ?ampion h?ebc?
    * svod fr?sk?ch kon? CAFK - hodnocen? za klus 8,5 bodu
    * svod Barock Pinta - ?ampion h?ebc?

    Jen pro v??n? z?jemce.
    Dal?? informace naleznete na n??e uveden?ch odkazech:

    Stable Friesian & Barock Pinto van Silesia
    offers for sale a very elegant Friesian stallion with sports prerequisites (dressage, carridge, show), b. 2013

    * mother Renske van Hoeve Jacolie Stb, BP STER (she gave birth so far 3 friesian offspring , with two offspring receiving the STER title, who were also born in our stable)

    * father Beart 411 Sport Preferent (stallion who has made a number of exhibitions, sport and breeding success).

    * tested of genetic defects (Hydrocephalus, Dwarfism, Chestnut Factor) - negative
    * successfully completed the performance tests in the carridge
    IBOP exam in carridge (lead CAFK) - 75 points
    IBOP Exam in Barock Pinto - 49.5 points
    * basic under-saddle training
    * Licensed Friesian stallion for Barock Pinto
    * By commissioners very positively evaluated breeding type, limb quality, excellent movement mechanics
    * Conduction of Frisian horse horses CSFHO 2016 - STER title, stallion champion
    * Frisian horse race CAFK 2017 - rating of trot 8.5 points
    * Lead Barock Pinta 2017 - Stallion Champion

    Only for serious candidates. Videos will be available after processing.
    For more information, see the links below
    8. Adgang til kort
    Message-mode:Tillad at skrive indlæg til dette kort
    Sikkerhed tilstand:Kan læse ejeren kun