Dato for registrering:24.10.2017
Rediger dato:24.10.2017
Salg status:Til salg
IcelandNavngiv hesten:merbel
Pris klasse:1000E-3000E
Main specialisering:Driving
3. Race information
Farve:Ikke valgt
4. Oplysninger om erfaring
Temperament:Ikke specificeret
5. Stamtavle information
6. Kontaktoplysninger
7. Yderligere oplysninger
Yderligere oplysninger:
For Sale: 16 yr. old 15.1h, quarter-horse-cross gray mare. Awesome trail horse! Marbella has a story to tell but we don't know it all. We've owned her for 3 years and sadly can no longer afford her. She's an opinionated mare that needs a patient, confident, experienced rider whom she can trust and give her the love and attention she needs. She is an awesome trail horse and rides both english and western but is most comfortable western!8. Adgang til kort
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