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◄ Heste
Rushaun clover dancer
Billeder(1) ▼
Dato for registrering:17.10.2017
Rediger dato:17.10.2017
Salg status:Til salg
Navngiv hesten:Rushaun clover dancer
Pris klasse:3000E-10000E
Main specialisering:Showjumping
2. Stedsoplysninger
3. Race information
Vækst (cm):156
Farve:Ikke valgt
4. Oplysninger om erfaring
Valgfri specialiseringer:
  • Springning
  • Temperament:5-Normal
    5. Stamtavle information
    Far:Moores Clover
    Mother:Rushaun Solo
    Moores Clover clover hill golden beaker 
     ohilly beauty 
     beautiful lily golden cliff 
     liswillaim wood 
     Rushaun Solo Miss Polo not recorded 
     not recorded 
     not recorded  
    6. Kontaktoplysninger
    Kontakt email:lindamcdonagh88@gmail.com
    Kontakt telefon:00353876845349
    7. Yderligere oplysninger
    Yderligere oplysninger:
    Fantastic home bred 4 year old Moores Clover gelding for sale. He is 15.1hh. Broken last year and given time to mature. In work and riding for the last few weeks.
    He has impeccable stable manners and is a joy to work with.
    He is quick to learn and straightforward. Nice forward paces and smooth transitions. He is showing great jumping potential and is sure to do well in the future.
    His dam was a finalist in the Millstreet young irelander. His grand dam has produced international jumping ponies as well as RDS winners. More pictures and videos available on request
    8. Adgang til kort
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    Sikkerhed tilstand:Alle kan læse kortet og kommentarer