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◄ Koně
Sgt. Major War Master
Foto(1) ▼
Datum zápisu:23.08.2018
Datum publikace:23.08.2018
Typ nabídky:Na prodej
Jméno koně:Sgt. Major War Master
Cenová třída:1000E-3000E
Hlavní specializace:Dressage
3. Informace rodokmenu
Rok narození:2017
Vyška v kohoutku (cm):16
4. Informace o zkušenostech
Temperament:2-Dost pasivní
5. Informace rodokmenu

  • Země původu:Russia
    6. Kontaktní informace
    Kontaktní e-mail:jamespeterson1750@gmail.com
    Kontaktní osoba:zekuv
    7. Dodatečné informace
    Doplňující informace:
    Sgt. Major is the Son of Goflya Kite and grandson of Flying Storm Kite,

    which has shown both English and western with multiple GCs and reserve GCs, ROMs in heading ,heeling, halter, and steer roping, also won under saddle and over fences. Sgt. Major could be your next Grand Champion!!!

    Will be absolutely willing to go in any direction you choose to take him. Sgt. Major's Dam has an exceptional pedigree and disposition she has passed on to her offspring. Sgt. is a quick learner and willing to please, easy going loving colt .Cross ties, stands for bathing, farrier, loads ect..,using surcingle for long reins and lounging ,listens to voice commands as well as visual. All ground work has been completed , ready to work towards his overall training.

    Don't miss out on this beauty!!
    8. Přístup ke kartě
    Režim prijímání zpráv:Povolit zanechání vzkazu pro tuto kartu
    Ochrana osobních údajů:Čitelný pro všechny karty a komentáře