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◄ Koně
2 sportpony's New forest
Foto(7) ▼
Datum zápisu:08.03.2018
Datum publikace:08.03.2018
Typ nabídky:Na prodej
Jméno koně:2 sportpony's New forest
Cenová třída:10000E-20000E
Hlavní specializace:Showjumping
2. Informace o umístění
Nejbližší velké město:Amsterdam
3. Informace rodokmenu
Rok narození:2013
Vyška v kohoutku (cm):146
Barva:Není uvedeno
Plemeno:New Forest Pony
4. Informace o zkušenostech
Další specializace:
  • Parkur
  • Drezura
  • Military
  • Ponik
  • Temperament:Nespecifikováno
    5. Informace rodokmenu

  • Země původu:Netherlands
    Otec:Samba Boy
    Samba Boy   
    6. Kontaktní informace
    Kontaktní e-mail:maaike-hofman@hotmail.com
    Kontaktní telefon:+31642904374
    Kontaktní osoba:Hofman
    7. Dodatečné informace
    Doplňující informace:
    2 Very talented New Forest sportpony’s for sale:
    * 5 year old grey mare (born april 2013)
    Official height: 1.46 m.
    Sire: Samba Boy X Valentino
    Competed at L2 dressage level. Which is the highest she is allowed for her age at the moment. Ready for the (Dutch) M2 level (shoulder in/walk pirouette/counter galop).
    Competed in the B showjumping classes and made ready for the L level at the moment (90 cm). Has been clear every round (will never stop). This pony is very well trained and behaving. Although she is still young, she is easy to ride, very willing to work and has a positive attitude towards people and other horses. This pony is definitely a pony that will reach the highest dressage (FEI) and showjumping level and has a fabulous future ahead in the sport.

    * 6 year old beautiful brown gelding (Born 2012)
    Official height: 1.45 m.
    Sire: Wellhouse Sportsman x Offem Minos
    Competed at M1 dressage level and L showjumping but can easily do more. Jumps very easily and has a lot of power in his jumps. Experience in hacking out and cross (eventing). Has a beautiful showjumping technique and will therefor also be suitable as a hunter. Has jumped over our fences into the fields which is 1.30 meter high. Xrays available and 100% okay. Was a licensed stallion until the age of 4 and has some offspring. Now the perfect gelding.

    Healthy pony’s, vetted in 2017 and 100% correct. Both are taken to lessons every week and have experience in hacking out. No (stable) defects or unwanted behavior. Both ponies can be ridden by experienced but also less experienced riders.

    Based in the North of Holland.
    For a video or more information please email or send a text/whatsapp message to +31642904374
    8. Přístup ke kartě
    Režim prijímání zpráv:Povolit zanechání vzkazu pro tuto kartu
    Ochrana osobních údajů:Čitelný pro všechny karty a komentáře