Datum zápisu:25.12.2017
Datum publikace:25.12.2017
Typ nabídky:Na prodej
PolandJméno koně:picasso
Cenová třída:1000E-3000E
Hlavní specializace:Races
3. Informace rodokmenu
Rok narození:2005
Barva:Není uvedeno
4. Informace o zkušenostech
Další specializace:
5. Informace rodokmenu
6. Kontaktní informace
7. Dodatečné informace
Doplňující informace:
Andalusian gelding for rehoming. Needing a new family capable of taking care to take him. 12 year old. 15.3 H. Sound. Amateur friendly. Schooling 4th level. Personality plus. He is a real sweetheart of a horse and tries 110% for his rider. He is safe and super kind, but he does have A LOT of go and energy and would try for you until he dropped. He is sound and healthy. Easy to catch. He clips, ties (although he can undo many knots, gate latches, stall doors!), loads, bathes. He loves people and attention and loves to work. My family had him since he was a yearling Ride him inside/outside, with children running and playing, dirt bikes, dogs, cows and he will do his job. We haven’t jumped him under saddle, but he loves to jump and will do it on his own for fun. Clears 4 feet easily from a trot. This horse is a real character and has a work ethic like few others.He is up to date on vaccinations.8. Přístup ke kartě
Režim prijímání zpráv:Povolit zanechání vzkazu pro tuto kartu
Ochrana osobních údajů:Čitelná pouze pro majitele