Stable Jäneda tall
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Horse Game
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$$$For sale
Paese Estonia EST
Stable name engJäneda tall
Stalls eng1
Fields eng7
Specialization eng
Competitions eng
Forest engFull access to forest
Fields engFull access to fields
Water engFull access to water
Food service engNot specidied
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1. Generale
Data di pubblicazione09.03.2018 19:17
Stato di venditaFor sale
*Paese Estonia Estonia
*La città più vicinaTallinn
*Stable name engJäneda tall
*Stalls eng1
*Fields eng7
Price ($) eng0
*Specialization eng
  • Allevamento
  • Dressage
  • Endurance
  • Pony
  • Salto

  • 2. Stalls
    Area eng
    Amount eng
    Free eng
    Cover eng
    Feeding eng
    Monthly eng

    3. Maneges
    Type eng
    Area eng
    Surface eng
    Amount eng

    4. Veterinary options
    Veterinary clinic engNo clinic
    Veterinarian engNot specified
    Pharmacy supply engNot specified
    Infirmary engNot specified
    Inspection of horse engNot specified
    X-ray machine engNot specified
    Vaccination engNot specified
    Additional vet. information eng

    5. Living service
    Personal locker engPresent. For free
    Personal room engPresent. For free
    Personal house engNot specidied
    Personal strongbox engNot specidied
    Shower engPresent. For free
    WC engPresent. For free
    Room for equipment engPresent. For free
    Parking engParking for free
    Additional liv. information engHorse stable with horses, paddocks and riding arenas. Possible to buy additionally 200 hectares of agriculture land.

    Property contains:
    - renovated stable with 31 horse boxes and loose stable for 10 horses
    - 7 hectares of paddocks and pasture surrounded with wooden fence
    - big grass riding arena
    - 30 x 70 m sand arena with a roof
    - 20 x 30 indoor arena

    Jäneda Hobusekasvanduse OÜ was est. in 1998. It is located in beautiful countryside. Jäneda stable's main business is horse breeding, training and accommodating. Company offers dressage, show jumping horses and just fun companions to the families for sale. Jäneda Hobusekasvanduse OÜ owns at the moment 14 horses and has 14 private horses to accomodate. The stable capacity could be increased for up to 90 horses.

    Grain fields and stable is located in centre of Estonia in Jäneda village. Properties are easily accessed from main roads. Those properties used to be part of Jäneda manor grain fields and later Jäneda Agriculture School study and display fields. The grain has been grown on fields for over 200 years and can provide everything necessary for horse stables.
    The agriculture land also includes grain dryer Mepu RCW 200 and a building to store hay, straw and machinery.

    6. Training infrastructure
    Competitions eng
  • Allevamento
  • Attacchi
  • Dressage
  • Endurance
  • Pony
  • Salto
  • Showjumping obstacles engTraining and cometition sets
    Dressage borders engTraining and cometition sets
    Eventing obstacles engNot specidied
    Walkers engNo walkers
    Springartens engNot specidied
    Solarium engNo solarium
    Swimming pool engNo swimming
    Forest access engFull access to forest
    Fields access engFull access to fields
    Water access to river or lake engFull access to water
    Equipment shop engNot specidied
    Lighting engTotal lighting
    Audio broadcast engNot specidied
    Video broadcast engNot specidied
    Additional infrastr. information eng

    7. Food service
    Food sevice engNot specidied
    Food dispenser engNot specidied
    Kitchen engNot specidied
    Additional food information eng

    8. Entertainment
    Restroom engPresent. For free
    TV / DVD engNot specidied
    Internet engNot specidied
    Arbor engNot specidied
    Playroom engNot specidied
    Playground engNot specidied
    Additional ent. information eng

    9. Informazioni di contatto
    Il tuo indirizzo
    Numero di telefono
    Contact person eng
    Un indirizzo internet

    10. Ulteriori informazioni
    Ulteriori informazioniПродаю готовый бизнес:
    Конюшня + 200 га сельхоз земли.

    Действующий бизнес комплекс состоит из:

    • Большой песчаный плац
    • Большой плац с травой
    • Маленький Манеж под крышей
    • 7 гектаров загонов и пастбищ, окруженные деревянным забором
    • Сельская местность в окружении красивой природы

    Дополнительно можно купить 200 гектаров земли, используемые для выращивания зерна и сена.
    Компания Jäneda Hobusekasvanduse OÜ создана в 1998. Jäneda cтабильный бизнес, в котором основным видом деятельности является коневодство, обучение и предоставление проживания. Компания предлагает на продажу спортивных лошадей и прекрасных друзей для вашей семьи. Jäneda Hobusekasvanduse OÜ На данный момент общее количество оборудованных мест для лошадей – 40, площадь конюшни позволяет увеличить до 90.
    Поля и конюшня расположены в центре Эстонии (деревня Янеда). Хозяйство расположено вблизи основных дорог. Эти поля исторически принадлежали усадьбе Jäneda. Зерно выращивалось на полях более 200 лет, следовательно, можно предоставить все необходимое для конюшен.

    11. L'accesso alla carta
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    RiservatezzaLeggi tutte le carte disponibili solo

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