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◄ Cavalli
Rolex SOLD
Foto(3) ▼Video(1) ▼
Data di registrazione:20.08.2018
Data di pubblicazione:29.01.2019
Stato di vendita:Venduto
Nome del cavallo:Rolex SOLD
Prezzi dei biglietti:3000E-10000E
Especialización principal:Dressage
2. Informazioni sulla posizione
La città più vicina:Riga
3. Informazioni sulla razza
Anno di Nascita:2014
Altezza al garrese (cm):169
Suit il cavallo:Crow
4. Informazioni su esperienza
Altre specializzazioni:
  • Salto
  • Dressage
  • Allevamento
  • Temperamento:5-equilibrato
    Hanno avuto concorsi:

  • Classe:

  • 5. Informazioni pedigree

  • Paese di nascita:Latvia
    Padre:Rainy Day Blues (OL)
    Madre:Lapasa (LWB)
    Rainy Day Blues (OL) Rosario (OL) Rubinstein I (WE) 
     Elfenlicht (OL) 
     Darling (RZ) Dunhill H (WE) 
     Contesse (WE) 
     Lapasa (LWB) Lobby - B (HL) Lord (HL) 
     Ahne (WE) 
     Pogaļa (LWB) Probeg (HN) 
     Valdivija (HN) 
    6. Informazioni di contatto
    Il tuo indirizzo e-mail:nuksa.nora@gmail.com
    Numero di telefono:29835172
    Persona di contatto:Nora
    Un indirizzo internet:https://www.gksport.lv
    7. Ulteriori informazioni
    Ulteriori informazioni:
    History: Horse is born in Latvia, bought directly from the small breeding stable (non commercial breeding stable) so he has been healthy and there has been always somebody who looked after him. The breaking in process went perfectly fine, all together he is under the saddle and rider for all summer.
    Character: Rolex is Still young but as a stallion acting good, there needs to be the schooling but he is accepting everything so that doesnt make the work with him hard at all. Horse by himself is from the carefull type horses, he isn't spooky just if something isn't right for him or there is some new things, he can get slower for some steps just to be sure that the things isn't doing harm on him.
    Training: Training process is beeing made so the horse can participate in young horse test for 4 years old ones. Maximum 4 times a week he is in light training, lunged and ridden, when is worked on rhytm and moving forward.
    Rider: For now he is suitable for riders who already have bases in working with young horses, but as he isn't doing anything bad to anybody - suitable for Young rider as a project horse.
    Examination: X rays are made in 2018 can be sent after request as the vet check will be made by buyers request.

    Transportation can be organised worldwide.
    8. L'accesso alla carta
    Modalità di ricevere commenti:Permettono di lasciare un messaggio per questa carta
    Riservatezza:Disponibile per leggere tutte le carte e commenti