Vendita cavalli - Cavallo #14431, Nome del cavallo: Brittany, Especialización principal: Gare, Paese: Francia, La città più vicina: Non specificato, Razza: Non specificato, Anno di Nascita: 2017, Sesso: Femmina, Altezza al garrese (cm): 90, Suit il cavallo: Crow
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PaeseCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Francia FRA
RazzaNon specificato
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1. Generale
Data di pubblicazione19.03.2020 06:22
*PaeseCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Francia Francia
*Stato di vendita
In vendita In vendita
*Nome del cavalloBrittany
*Especialización principalGare
*Prezzi dei biglietti3000E-10000E
Prezzo ($)5800 USD

2. Informazioni sulla razza
*Anno di Nascita2017
Altezza al garrese (cm)90
Suit il cavalloCrow
RazzaNon specificato

3. Informazioni pedigree
Paese di nascitaCavalli in vendita, pony per la vendita, le stalle, autocarri, rimorchi, lavoro, mangimi per cavalli Irlanda Irlanda
Nati nell'azienda

4. Informazioni sulla posizione
La città più vicinaNon specificato
PosizioneShe is in great health and rides excellently She is a very kind and sweet nature horse but

requires more of a experienced rider as she likes to have fun She is excellent on Beach rides

And has had jumping training and has jumped up to 90cm She has NEVER kicked or bitten anyone And

she gets on well with other horses She doesn’t need to be shooed and her hoofs only need

trimming every 2 months so she is very easy to look after She has no medical problems and has

never been sick or needed the chiropractor She really is a dream horse and I am so sad to have

to sell her but since I am relocating absolutely no time to ride anymore And I want to see her

go to a loving home where she gets the attention she deserves.

For more details, kindly contact via telegram or email.

Email: Email: Email:

Telegram: @Universallab2020

5. Informazioni su esperienza
TemperamentoNon specificato
Hanno avuto concorsi
Altre specializzazioni

6. Informazioni di contatto
Il tuo indirizzo
Numero di telefono+1 865 280 3646
Persona di contattoWilliam Scott
Un indirizzo internet

7. Ulteriori informazioni
Ulteriori informazioniShe is in great health and rides excellently She is a very kind and sweet nature horse but

requires more of a experienced rider as she likes to have fun She is excellent on Beach rides

And has had jumping training and has jumped up to 90cm She has NEVER kicked or bitten anyone And

she gets on well with other horses She doesn’t need to be shooed and her hoofs only need

trimming every 2 months so she is very easy to look after She has no medical problems and has

never been sick or needed the chiropractor She really is a dream horse and I am so sad to have

to sell her but since I am relocating absolutely no time to ride anymore And I want to see her

go to a loving home where she gets the attention she deserves.

For more details, kindly contact via telegram or email.

Email: Email: Email:

Telegram: @Universallab2020

8. L'accesso alla carta
Modalità di ricevere commentiPermettono di lasciare un messaggio per questa carta
RiservatezzaDisponibile per leggere tutte le carte e commenti

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